Where we help you succeed

Effective execution

Make sure you succeed with your strategic and operational execution


Explore and realize high potential commercial opportunities

Financial operations

Ensure optimal financing for your projects and organization


Achieve the best possible results from your negotiations

Roles we take on

It's pretty straight forward when you think about it.

With decades of experience from executive roles in different organizations, we know the painpoints. In business development, in strategic decision making, in execution and in negotiations. We know what shapes a successfull organisation.

What we strive to do is to put that knowledge to work for you and succeed.


Management for Hire

- Maritime Transportation
- Maritime Logistics
- Industrial Energy Management
- Lighting Industry


Strategic Advisor

- Turnaround Operations
- Commercial Opportunities
- Network & Resources
- Financial Structure

Technical operations

Board of Directors

- Executive Recruiting
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Stakeholder Management

Who We Are & Our Network

Terje Ørehagen

Founder and Managing Director

Terje has over 30 years experience as President, COO and Senior Executive within the maritime transportation and logistics industry, and has extensive experience as a board member for a variety of companies. Terje manages the day to day operations of OCI and OCIs associates.

A network-based model

We allocate the right expertize for you

OCIs sole focus is to enable success for your organisation. With a vast network of industry professionals we rely on the top experts in their respective fields to ensure your success.

Contact Us
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